A New Look Rebrand For Curate And Display
Yes - you are still in the right place, noticed things are a little different here? Don't worry, it's just that we've been working hard behind the scenes on a new look rebrand for Curate And Display. Since I started this little corner of the internet three years ago, much has changed and I felt it was high time this blog reflected that. From what began as a bit of a hobby (and who knew I'd have kept it going this long?!) became another string to my work bow and I love this little community we have here and the wonderful friends I've picked up on the way. I like to think it's looking that bit more mature now, more confident in where it sits in the world. Perhaps that goes for me, too?What's Changed? LOGO - The biggest change has been the logo and strapline. As my partner in design (also known as Annie Kruse, Stylejuicer) knows me so well when it comes to aesthetic, it was a no brainer to ask her to design the new look branding and site - I trust her implicitly. I did a lot of research into other brands I love, what I wanted to convey and used The Brand Stylist's fantastic book as guide to help me get my message across to Annie without driving her crazy. Using keywords as a starting point, Annie landed on the succinct strapline of Stylist - Minimal Interiors - Slow Living. And that's exactly what I do. She nailed it, don't you think?EASY NAVIGATION - From now on you'll see there are five categories displayed on the top menu bar and sidebar navigation so posts will be much easier to find.LARGER IMAGES - This one will take me a little more time to implement as I switch old posts over, but we've gone for slightly larger images which give a far better impact on larger screens. If you're viewing on a tablet or phone, the site is responsive.PORTFOLIO - I've been brave and added some of the images I'm most proud of to my portfolio. All of these have been shot by me as my freelance styling work (the bit I do away from the blog) is not really what I want to share here (not my style and probably not yours either!)SOCIAL BUTTONS - These have been moved underneath my 'About' image to make them easier to find. You'll also find social sharing options underneath at the end of each post too.Before I wrap it up (this is starting to turn into an Oscar's acceptance speech) I need to say a massive thank you to Rob, my long suffering web developer
who works for free and husband who has worked all hours to get everything up and running for me. Poor guy. If he wasn't so handy with code, he'd have all this free time on his hands...So there we are, a simplified and decluttered space ready and waiting to inspire. What do you think? I'd also love to know if there's anything in particular you'd like to see more of here. I am working on bringing more of my personal life into this space, not something I find very easy as I worry about over-sharing, but I think it's only a good thing to let you in and get to know me a little better. And if you're new here, hello! Feel free to head over here and get the skinny...See you in a bit!xPhoto © Tiffany Grant-Riley